What is a doctor for hair called? A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists care for people of all ages.
dermatologist Hair: - peel two onions, chop them into small pieces, extract the juice out of the onion by either squeezing it or using a juicer. Apply the juice to the scalp or the hair roots. castor oil for hair. rosemary essential oil add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil to carrier oil. For hair:- dates amla coconut leafy green vegetables sesame seeds curry leaves. Daily amla, curd, curry leaves. dates, amla, coconut, leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds. Pumpkin seeds. Almonds. Green tea. Iron. Zinc. Biotin. Magnesium. Banana. Green Tea. Dht blocker diet. Turmeric. Coconut oil. B-vitamins. Folic acid. Carrot. Green leafy veg. Walnut. Saw palmetto. Stinging nettle. Lycopene. Tomatoes. Curry leaf. Onion. Alkalising food. avocado, nuts, berries, salmon, eggs, vegetables, sweet potatoes, soaked walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds , spinach, peanuts, beetroot, amla, oranges, guava, eggs, paneer, boiled chana, sunlight, less stress for hair bioderma micellar water for face halim seeds for hair (halim seeds are also called as aliv seed). 1 shallots cut it into pieces in a jar, then take 3 -4 garlic cloves, then 10 - 15 curry leaves then add two spoon water | now blend all the ingredient | now strain it with the tea strainer and take only the juice | Now take half table spoon of castor oil and 1 table spoon of coconut oil and mix nicely. now use cotton and put it in your hairline. Use this remedy once in a while regularly. shallots (baby onion), 3 - 4 garlic cloves, curry leaves , castor oil- grind and mix with coconut oil. castor oil + carrier oil. fenugreek water zince, omega 3, b2 is imp for hair, eggs cheese for iron [dont keep weak health, poor diet, less sleeping, bad lifestyle] oil hair 3 times a week + castor oil. avoid razor at temple area wash your hair after workout soya chunks, oats, lentils, tofu, peanut butter, cheese, beans , milk , eggs salmon fish omega 3 - flaxseeds, cod liver oil, salmon fish, soya beans, chia seeds, nuts. biotin: egg yolks, legumes, nuts and seeds, sweet potatoes, banana, broccoli neem leaf water curry leaves in the morning compulsory almond oil + half castor oil + onion juice(oil) for 2 hour fenukgreek water vitamin A for antiaging